32 Oral Histories from Red Hook Sandy Survivors, 2012

Hurricane Sandy hit Brooklyn around 8pm on October 29, 2012. which caused devastating flooding in Red Hook. The following 32 interviews are part of a project "Sandy: Tell Your Story" recorded by Emergency Management Methodology Partners (EMMP) in 2013, as chronicles of what happened and as lessons for the future. Red Hook residents and business owners shared their experiences of living through Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath.
Albert Reed
Anna Hernandez
Ashley Connor
Azula Crawford
Barbara Solice
Bonita Gonzales
Buriah Whal
Calvin Spenser
Caroline Williams
Carmen Soto
Charles Flickenger
Clint Morris
Carolina Salguero
PortSide NewYork founder and President Carolina Salguero being interviewed about her hurricane Sandy experience. View File Details Page
Christina LaPurense
David Sotomayor
David Lassen & Sallie Mize
Debrah Trory
Devano Williams
Age 11 View File Details Page
Eddie Lopez
Edna Rivera
Elieser Medina
Elizabeth Clark
Elsa DeLaCruz
Eric and Lauren Taffera
Galen Webb
Gillette and Serenity
Lisa Gonzalez
Reg Flower
Sheryl Nash-Chisholm
Tess Wright
Derek Dominy - Metal & Thread
Artists Denise Carbonell and Derek Dominy made and sold their art at the store Metal and Thread which was located at 398 Van Brunt St. The basement held Derek's metal shop. They prepared more than most for hurricane Sandy. When asked why they did that, Denise said "because I'm from Florida." Her experience with hurricanes there informed her about what to do and to take preventive action. At PortSide's Sandy recovery center at 351 Van Brunt, people often said "They told us to evacuate for hurricane Irene last year, and nothing happened, so we thought we'd be OK." Denise and Derek kept water out of their storefront, but suffered damage in the basement workspace when water from the neighboring flooded basement burst through a wall. View File Details Page