Port stakeholder perceptions of Sandy impacts: a
case study of Red Hook, New York. A study by John Ryan-Henry & Austin Becker, 2020

John Ryan-Henry & Austin Becker  in their 2020 article in the journal Maritime Policy & Management say that in order to plan for comprehensive climate change resilience it is essential to understand the effects of coastal storm hazards on all maritime port stakeholders, including: operators, tenants, clients, workers, communities, governments.  Their study explores the impacts of Hurricane Sandy using evidence from stakeholders and accounts of the storm impacts on the port system at Red Hook Container Terminal, Brooklyn, New York.   

Their conclusions “highlight the wide range of direct damages, indirect costs, and intangible consequences impacting stakeholders across institutional boundaries and requiring coordination for recovery, providing insight into stakeholder relationships and dependencies in the post-disaster response and recovery process that are often not fully accounted for in current vulnerability assessment and response planning methodologies.”

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