Man Sculling in Erie basin, ca. 1870
Man sculling in foreground past portion of barge (left), moored steamship (center), and wooden pier and pylons (right); shoreline dotted with masts and sails in background. The photograph is by George Bradford Brainerd, 1845-1887. He was a civil...
Todd Graving Dock, Photo by John Bartlestone, c. 2005
Architectural photographer John Bartlestone was one of many who called for the saving of Todd shipyard in Erie Basin. For more than 140 years - until February 2005 that graving dock had been used to repair large shipping vesels. This photograph is...
Erie Basin photo, 1920
An aerial view of Erie Basin taken in 1920 by Perry Loomis Sperr. In the crook of the breakwater that protects the basin's piers is Thos. A. Crane's Sons' dry dock. The white building at the center rear of the view is the New York State Barge Canal...
Crane's Shipyard and Dry Docks
Crane’s Shipyard and Dry Docks, established in 1867, was located in Erie Basin. A history of the company is provided in George Weiss’s America’s Maritime Progress , published in 1920, and in the 1922 Pilot Lore . According to Weiss, Theo. A....
Brooklyn Spar Company, 1921
In 1921, the Brooklyn Spar Company advertised in The Marine Journal that it sold wooden masts and posts for derricks and flag poles, which the company made at its waterfront facility at the foot of Columbia Street. In O.R. Pilat's 1929 article, John...
1958 aerial view showing Bush Terminal and Erie Basin
1958 aerial view. Erie Basin is in the background.
The ferry boat RIVER BELLE, ca. 1894
The RIVER BELLE, a side-wheel steamer, is a fine example of how the uses (and names) of a ship change over time. Between 1846 and 1894, she had three different names and as least as many owners. Significantly for Red Hook, she shuttled passengers...
Todd Shipyards: Propeller
Workers fixing a ship propeller at Todd's Shipyard, Erie Basin, Brooklyn ca. 1950
"The Small Boy Goes 'Crabbing," 1892
" All day naked youngsters are perched on these logs, watching their bait, chasing each other over the slippery lumber or diving and paddling in the water." A story about naked boys in the late 1800s who fish for crabs among the millions of...
Ad: The Three Star Line
The Three Star Line - Société Les Affréteurs Réunis - was a French charter shipping line. In 1920, they advertised regular sailings to Spain, North Africa and Marseilles from the Erie Basin, Red Hook Brooklyn.