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Search Results for "german": 42

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1-2       Empire Stores; Water and Dock, Fulton 3          Empire Stores, ft. of Main, Catherine 4           Martin Stores @No. 34 Furman, Fulton 5-6       Martin Stores @ No. 66 Furman, Fulton 7-8       Robert Stores,...

Two views of the (R.C.) Church of the Visitation. T he parish of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded in 1854 under the leadership of  Bishop John Loughlin.  According to the parish's website their first church, built in...

Street address: Richards Street & Visitation Place, Brooklyn, NY

No man ever, perhaps, got so much the best of old Beard as did Louis Heineman, the housemover of the Twelfth ward” (The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 19, 1891) When Louis Heineman died in 1904, he was reportedly 104 years old, and likely the oldest...

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