Delavan Street

Delavan Street was officially listed as Deleven Street when the City of Brooklyn officially named it.  The current spelling might be a correction if, as seems likely, it was named for Delavan Richards, son of Col. Daniel Richards, founder of Atlantic Dock (precursor to today's Atlantic Basin) and first promoter of the concept of a Gowanus Canal.  Delavan Richards was one of the investors of the Red Hook Cotton Manufacturing Company, chartered in 1839.

Item Relations

This Item is related to Item: Red Hook Lane: Heritage Trail
Item: Richards Street Relation This Item


  • Laws of the State of New York: Passed at the 62 session of the Legislature.  Albany, Croswell Printer.  1839
    (accessed 2016)

    Benardo, Leonard, and Jennifer Weiss. Brooklyn by Name: How the Neighborhoods, Streets, Parks, Bridges, and More Got Their Names. New York: New York University Press, 2006.

    Dikeman, J.  The Brooklyn Compendium, Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.). Common Council.  1870. (accessed 2016)

     Sherman, Herman. Red Hook Place-Names. Graduate Thesis, Brooklyn College, 1965.

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