Urban Sketchers help celebrate MARY A. WHALEN's 80th Birthday, 2018
In honor of the ship MARY A .WHALEN reaching its 80th year PortSide NewYork invited the Urban Sketchers to come and be inspired by her views.
Below is some of the artwork made that day.
Scattered on, around, and in the Red Hook neighborhood of PortSide NewYork's ship MARY A WHALEN, numerous artists practiced their craft in honor of her 80th year.
The artists that day included:
Frieda Christofides
Jason Das
Rosario Muñoz Gajardo
Instagram also as yetioc
"I fell in love with ships and docks a very lot of years ago. And I love them in secret. "
"Los fierros oxidados en el horizonte; agua, viento y muelle. Amor eterno e incondicional."
(videos below are Gajardo's)
Thomas Kerr
Urban Sketchers post
Karen De Mauro