Atlantic Basin: Looking Back from 1928

The Brooklyn Standard Union in their Sixty-Fifth Anniversary edition, published in 1928, looked back at Col. Daniel Richards' dream of Atlantic Basin and called it a success.

"Atlantic Basin a Dream Realized. 

The famous Atlantic Basin, $640000 dream of Col. Daniel Richards, had been realized. Here was an achievement that ranked as one of the engineering feats of the day. A line of warehouses or stores, built in the form of a hollow square, for the most part on a pier with water frontage of nearly three-quarters of a mile. The hollow square was open in the side facing Governor's Island. Here a 200-foot gap permitted the ingress and egress of "100 large vessels drawing twenty feet of water" and the entire basin offered a harborage of forty acres of water. The basin, fore-runner of Brooklyn's great shipping industry, was "passable at all stages of the tide by any class of vessels, differing In this respect from the Liverpool docks, which are accessible at high tide only." 



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  • The Brooklyn Standard Union, 1928

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