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Smart Tax was "founded in 2005 to fill a void in tax service options: strong customer service, and speed of return to under-serviced tax preparation customers. Smart Tax has grown offering the same great service in communities nationwide. ...
In honor of the ship MARY A .WHALEN reaching its 80th year PortSide NewYork invited the Urban Sketchers to come and be inspired by her views. Below is some of the artwork made that day. Scattered on, around, and in the Red Hook neighborhood of...
The Red Hook Art Project (RHAP) is a tutoring and mentoring project that organizes professionals to volunteer to provide gifted, under-served children and youth with free classes and tutoring in visual art, music and homework help. "An Arts Tutoring...
A shopping tour in Italian Red Hook included all types of food: snails, fresh vegetables, rabbit, squab, octopus, cheese, olive oil, beans, and garlic. Throughout the 1900s , Red Hook had a very large Italian population, many of whom earned their...
Ramberg Iron Works paid $650,000 to the receivers of the Atlantic Dock Company for eight and three quarter acres fronting the Buttermilk Channel at the foot of Coffey, Dykman, Sullivan and Wolcott Streets in 1918. The site was within the free...
Zoltán Glück was a graduate student when Sandy hit, and he worked with Occupy Sandy doing recovery work in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Occupy Sandy, an offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement, was a major and innovative force for Sandy recovery in New...
The Brooklyn Bridge is a suspended by four main steel wire cables. It became the first major bridge of its kind when it opened for service in May 1883 and it's unique design remains essentially the same today. The concept of suspending a bridge with...
Crane’s Shipyard and Dry Docks, established in 1867, was located in Erie Basin. A history of the company is provided in George Weiss’s America’s Maritime Progress , published in 1920, and in the 1922 Pilot Lore . According to Weiss, Theo. A....
The New York City Draft Riots took place between July 13 and July 16 of 1863. The violent insurrection was a reaction to conscription into military service during the Civil War. African Americans became the target of the rioters' anger and an...