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"A Red Hook nonprofit hopes to turn a ramp it set up for an injured seagull into a "floating habitat" project to give refuge to city birds." Click here for the article Brooklyn 'Duck Dock' Becomes Prime Real Estate For Birds In Need  in the...

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Subjects: Nature

In  June of 1979, scores of local residents attended a meeting of Brooklyn Community Board 6 to voice their displeasure  with a plan for the construction of a 70-acre containerport  to be built for the Port Authority centering around...

The Red Hook WaterStories team has not yet written  much about Red Hook longshoremen, their labor issues and working life.   (This project currently receives no direct funds).  We hope to remedy that some day but until then here...

Subjects: Labor

Spring Bank, " a community bank with a mission to promote financial inclusion in New York City" opened a branch in Red Hook Brooklyn at the end of 2024.  This ended a several year period where there were no banks in Red Hook at all. According...

The Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) and the Lenape Center developed a relationship after the BPL contacted them about creating a land acknowledgement.  Out of this relationship, at the request of the Lenape Center came the book ...


Carolina Salguero, PortSide’s Executive Director, narrated a tour covering the history of Red Hook’s working waterfront (docks) and the Brooklyn Marine Terminal process during a free public sail we offered as part of our visiting vessel...

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