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Heidi Benedikt - part 1: audio element. Heidi Benedikt - part 2: audio element. Synopsis of interview with Heidi Benedikt, former crew member of the MARY A. WHALEN. Recording times in parenthesis are aproximate.  (0:10) The delegate of the...

A few ducks and geese are often to be found in the waters of Atlantic Basin in the the Spring and Summer. The ducks in this video, shot from the aft end of the MARY WHALEN, are swimming in water near the City's combined sewer overflow pipe. The...

Subjects: Nature

Swallows live under the piers with fendering (wooden cross piece's of piers) and like the dock lines and mast and stack stays on the Mary Whalen They arrive around April 9 and leave around August 23 Swallow at a porthole of the MARY A WHALEN, June...

Subjects: Nature

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