By The Red Hook WaterStories team
Calvary Baptist Church of Red Hook 773 Hicks Street, Brooklyn 11231 (718) 522-5159 FaceBook page
By The Red Hook WaterStories team
Columbia Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses also known as Red Hook Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses 423 Columbia Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 (718) 237-0026
By The Red Hook WaterStories team
God's Outreach Center of Deliverance 603 Clinton Street, Brooklyn 11231 Center's statement: "To educate the whole being spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally and to empower the residents of Red Hook."
By The Red Hook WaterStories team
Select Language ▼ function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', includedLanguages: 'es,en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE, multilanguagePage: true},...
By The Red Hook WaterStories team
New Brown Memorial Baptist Church 609 Clinton Street, Brooklyn 11231 Phone: (718) 624-4780 Website: According to their website New Brown Memorial Church was founded by Rev. Andrew Dennis McBride and his wife Ruth in 1954,...
By The Red Hook WaterStories team
Red Hook Gospel Tabernacle 72 Van Dyke Street, Brooklyn 11231 (718) 624-3093 Their statement: "To enhance the world globally through the Word of Christ by respecting people with love, compassion, integrity and excellence." They offer a food pantry ....
By The Red Hook WaterStories team
Edwin Pacheco Pastor Redemption Church (347) 526-2697 Facebook page Redemption is based at PS76 at 27 Huntington Street, corner of Hicks. Enter at the front for Sunday church services and enter...
By The Red Hook WaterStories team
River of God Christian Center 110 Wolcott Street, Brooklyn 11231 Phone: 718-625-0103 Facebook page (Formerly: Red Hook Pentecostal Holiness Church)
By The Red Hook WaterStories team
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary's statement: Welcome! It is our hope that here at Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Red Hook, Brooklyn, you’ll discover a place to belong, worship, grow and above all to experience...
Street address: 98 Richards Street