Overspreading on transit seats ca. 1850. Contentions on the Hamilton Avenue Ferry

All was not peaceful on the new Hamilton Avenue Ferry.  People, particularly in the evening, were sprawling out across the benches, and extra deckhands were hired to keep the order.

One of the directors suggested adding dividing armrests, but the Chief Engineer feared they would provoke ridicule. Overspreading to the point of lying down was such an issue that eventually the engineer gave the armrests a try. They were, according to a company publication, highly successful.  So much so, that word spread nationwide, and they became common on ferry boats, and in stations and hotels.  

The Hamilton Avenue Ferry was established in 1846.  It was run by the Union Ferry Company, which also ran the Fulton Ferry at that time.



Source: Historical Sketch of the Fulton Ferry: And Its Associated Ferries Union Ferry Company, Brooklyn, New York. Eagle Job and Book Printing Department, 1879 (printed for the private use of the company) https://books.google.com/bookszid=tDspAAAAYAAJ View File Details Page

Source: Historical Sketch of the Fulton Ferry: And Its Associated Ferries Union Ferry Company, Brooklyn, New York. Eagle Job and Book Printing Department, 1879 (printed for the private use of the company) https://books.google.com/bookszid=tDspAAAAYAAJ View File Details Page

Source: Historical Sketch of the Fulton Ferry: And Its Associated Ferries Union Ferry Company, Brooklyn, New York. Eagle Job and Book Printing Department, 1879 (printed for the private use of the company) https://books.google.com/bookszid=tDspAAAAYAAJ View File Details Page

Item Relations

This Item is related to Item: Remains of Hamilton Avenue Ferry slips, 1975
This Item is related to Item: Hamilton Ave Ferry House, Stereoscope, 1877
This Item is related to Item: Hamilton Ferry Terminal, 1854
This Item is related to Item: Hamilton Avenue Ferry House, 1934
Item: How the Hamilton Avenue Ferry got started, 1846 is related to This Item



  • Historical Sketch of the Fulton Ferry: And Its Associated Ferries Union Ferry Company, Brooklyn, New York. Eagle Job and Book Printing Department, 1879 (printed for the private use of the company) Available at: https://books.google.com/books?id=tDspAAAAYAAJ

    Henry Stiles, A History of the City of Brooklyn.  Vol III
    First published by Subscription in 1867
    Facsimile reprint by Heritage Books Inc. in 1993

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