Wrecks in Storm's Wake, 1896

Excerpts from the New York Times, October 13, 1896

Devastating October gale, hits the Northeast hard, flooding the piers of Red Hook's Atlantic Basin. Mounds of sugar dissolved.  Many rats drowned, others clubbed.  

Wrecks in Storm's Wake

Great Damage Wrought All Along the Coast


Tremendous damage was wrought all along the coast from Cape May to Boston by the northeast gale, which continued yesterday with unabated fury.


Cellars and Sewers Flooded.


Probably most damage from the tide in the upper bay occurred at the Atlantic Basin, in Brooklyn.  The steamship Arkadia is discharging her cargo of sugar in hogsheads there. The tide rose over the dock to the depth of several inches, and great quantities of sugar were dissolved.  In some cases, the lightened hogsheads floated about the dock.  A big gang of additional men got employment in moving what they could of it to a dry place.  Many more men were engaged at the Union Stores getting hides, cocoa, and other stuff out of the reach of the waters, which flooded the ground floor.

The pier of the iron elevator at the foot of De Graw Street was flooded so as to be impassable.

A feature of the flood tide which drew crowds to the basin was the drowning out of the rats.  Men stood with clubs ready to kill them if they came on the piers.  Some were killed this way, but hundreds evidently preferred drowning and deliberately dived back into the water. The bodies of hundreds floated about in the basin.



Oct. 13, 1896

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