German American Mutual Warehousing Map submitted to NY as part of application for grant of land underwater, 1875

The German American Mutual Warehousing and Security Company, in 1875, applied for permission from the NY Land office to build out the land and create two new piers near their warehouse bordered by Partition (now Coffey), Conover and Van Dyke streets.

The area described in thier plan is now the Louis Valentino, Jr. Park and Pier

As part of their application, a series of maps were drawn showing the plan and the surrounding area.  The base map they used also shows another plan - Brooklyn Basin - an envisioned compliment to Erie Basin that was never built. 

Description written on map:

"In the matter of the application to the Commisioners of the Land Office, N.Y. of German American Mutual Warehousing and Security Company for grant of land under water.  

"Showing course of shore one mile in each direction and at the point where is the land applied for.
- W.A. Ofden Heigerman (sp?) Attony. for applicant, 261 Broadway, NYC



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Item: Flattening Hills to Fill Mill Ponds: 1835 is related to This Item


  • Survey of lands under water for German American Mutual Warehousing and Security Co. February 24, 1875.  In the collecetion of the New York State Archives. Identifier: NYSA_B2321-11_18760224_German_American_Mutual_Warehousing_and_Security_Co_01

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