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In the Spring and Summer of 2019 most of the historic Lidgerwood building was torn down to make way a UPS e-commerce warehouse. Community action was not able to save the complete facade but as of a July 9, 2019 meeting, UPS has proposed...
" Open Invite is a home goods and gift shop. They carry a mix of independent brands and hand-picked vintage secondhand pieces styled for the modern home. Address 317 Van Brunt Street Brooklyn, New York HOURS Thursday - Sunday, 12-6PM...
In 1889, several newspapers reported on Lawrence Grob, a citizen of Red Hook who earned the nickname “Larry the Bugler'' from his neighbors. Every morning, from his residence on Conover Street, near the Atlantic Docks, Grob used his bugle to wake...
PortSide has been corresponding with Don Horton since 2013. He visited us in 2015 from North Carolina to give us an oral history. The last time Don had visited Red Hook was in 1950. He wrote the memory of Red Hook Flats below in 2015. For related...
The stone used to build the Brooklyn Bridge was stored on property belonging to the Atlantic Dock company between Wolcott and Dikeman streets. In an 1882 interview by The New York World, Mr. Martin, assistant engineer for the Brooklyn Bridge...
Construction of The Atlantic Dock - a massive, man-made harbor for deep water ships, began on June 3, 1841. The erection of stout stone warehouses and towering grain elevators that could handle products coming down the Erie Canal began in...