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The Brooklyn Bridge Red Hook Connection
The stone used to build the Brooklyn Bridge was stored on property belonging to the Atlantic Dock company between Wolcott and Dikeman streets. In an 1882 interview by The New York World, Mr. Martin, assistant engineer for the Brooklyn Bridge...
The Atlantic Basin, 1893
Select passages from The Citizen guide to Brooklyn and Long Island , 1893 [Page 103] A comparison between the commerce of New York and Brooklyn will serve to show the relative importance of the two cities as regards shipping and allied industries....
New York Dock Railway - Train Tracks of the Atlantic Basin, 1912 - 1996
The New York Dock Company Railway moved cargo to and from ships, local warehouses and factories. The railway was officially incorporated on October 1, 1912, as a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Dock Company. It was formed...
Don Horton: Full Article
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Ad For Atlantic Docks, 1847
Construction of The Atlantic Dock - a massive, man-made harbor for deep water ships, began on June 3, 1841. The erection of stout stone warehouses and towering grain elevators that could handle products coming down the Erie Canal began in...
American Molasses - Sucrest - Revere Sugar
Until 2007, a towering, distintive icon of Red Hook was here and was so visible across the harbor that captain's used it as a navigation aid: the conical silo of the sugar refinery. The entire refinery was demolished that year, levelling an...