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The Dalzell Towing Company purchased the Red Hook Towing Company in 1925 to expand their operations into Brooklyn.  They then moved their offices to the Erie Basin breakwater (the man-made protective pier that encloses the basin)...

Subjects: Maritime, Erie Basin

In 1953, Thomas Thompson, cook aboard Dalzell Towing's tugboat Datzellera, wrote a guest column for the Brooklyn Eagle's feature Harbor Lights.   “I am allocated $10.05 per day to feed six men, three meals apiece, or a total of 18 meals...

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Subjects: Food and Drink

The area between Erie Basin and Columbia Street was home to a makeshift shantytown community known as Tin City, made up largely of unemployed and under-employed maritime workers in the 1920s and 30s. In the winter of 1932, the Brooklyn Eagle...

The area between Erie Basin and Columbia Street was home to a makeshift shantytown community known as Tin City, made up largely of unemployed and under-employed maritime workers in the 1920s and 30s. In the winter of 1932, The New York Sun  ...

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