Frank Schmidt, known to the police as "Dutch Frank," a junk dealer operating in and around Red Hook Point faced trial for dealing in stolen goods, October 1855. Junk dealers made their living buying spare sails, ropes and old iron from...
Dutch Kitchen Center
High modern style kitchen cabinets and other kitchen elements from Dutch designers. Tel (888) 209-5240 481 Van Brunt Street, opposite Fairway. Sun. - Mon. 10AM - 6PM
Street address: 481 Van Brunt St. Brooklyn, NY 11231
Mrs. "Commodore Hamilton": canal boat owner, 1890
In 1890, Mrs. A. M. Hamilton, a widow, was interviewed in Atlantic Basin, and celebrated by the Brooklyn Daily Eagle as being equal to any man running a canal boat. Beginning in the mid-1820s, canal boats brought produce from the nation's...
Colonel Daniel Richards, Red Hook Visionary
Col. Daniel Richards was a visionary developer who set Red Hook on the path to becoming one of the world's major commercial ports. Inspired by the powerful economic effects resulting from the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, Richards moved from...
Erie Basin - A History of its Early Years
Erie Basin, at one time dubbed “The busiest place in the Port of New York” is a large man-made protected harbor near the southern point of Red Hook. Its U-shaped breakwater, well over one-half mile long, encloses a large area of water. The basin...
Valentino Park
Valentino Park and Pier Between Coffey and Van Dyke Streets on Ferris St Brooklyn, NY 11231 From the NYC Parks website: "Valentino Pier was once the site of an active shipping industry. In the 1600s, the Red Hook district was settled by the Dutch....
Ships Were Importing What?, 1872
In the 1870s grain made up a bulk of the imports to Red Hook's piers but a wide variety of other goods from around the world were arriving and being stored at its ports. Major's Storage Guide (1873) published "Rates of Storage and Labor on...
RoodGallery 373 Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn, NY 347-468-0735 contact info: Exhibition hours:Thurs--Sun 12pm--5pm or by appointment From their website: "Mision is to increase social resilience by...
Winter Life on Canal Boats, 1915
Near Christmas time, 1915, a female reporter and an illustrator for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, visited a few of the many canal boats and barges moored for the winter in Erie Basin “in search of a story about holiday preparations and winter life.”...
Red Hook Then to Now: marsh, mill pond, port, derelict, renewal
How Red Hook's topography evolves from Native American summer camp to Dutch mill ponds with oyster beds, then ports, warehouses and finally a street grid. Did you know that the 1840s development of Atlantic Dock jumpstarts a 100-year development...