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Results for subject term "Crime": 20

During Spring semester 2024, PortSide is working with a Pratt Institute graduate student class on "participatory plannning" taught by Beth Bingham. We recommended Wally Bazemore as a resource for the class, and he came to speak during a session...

Pietro "Pete" Panto  was an Italian American longshoreman and union activist who was murdered by the mob for speaking out and organizing against corrupt union leadership. The Red Hook WaterStories team has not written an entry about him yet but...


Subjects: Labor, Individuals, Crime

Four years before the American Civil War, a legal battle emerged from a situation that occurred aboard a steamship from Savannah to New York. One of the passengers, Thomas Steele, a light skinned man, was accused of being a fugitive slave by another...

In the summer of 1850, an African-American woman was abducted and brought to Red Hook Point - just below the Atlantic Dock - to be put on a schooner and brought to a Southern slave state. The captors told suspicious workers in the area that the...

The Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor was created in 1953 in response to the pervasive corruption on the waterfront in the Port of New York-New Jersey.  A joint state agency it was formed after public hearings revealed corruption,...

Street address: 100 Columbia Street
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201
Tel.: (718 )852-2434
Fax: (718) 596-5306

Subjects: Crime, Maritime

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