According to the Brooklyn Eagle, King Street is named after a German named King who in 1842 lived in a stone house. He "made his fortune as a ragpicker and scavenger, at the numerous dumping heaps and eventual became a property owner." The...
The History of Halleck Street
Halleck was officially plotted and named by the City of Brooklyn in 1835. Halleck Street was possibly named after Fitz-Greene Halleck (1790 - 1867), an American poet very popular in his day. Beginning in 1832, he became...
Flattening Hills to Fill Mill Ponds: 1835
Historian Henry Stiles writes in his 1884 history of Brooklyn: "The southern portion of the Hook was a high hill covered with locust, poplar, cedar, and sassafras trees. This hill was cut down in 1835 by Messers. Dikeman, Waring and Underhill for...
Eymund Diegel map: Gowanus Watershed With 1766 Marshes and 2013 Sandy Flood Line
Sandy essentially flooded anyone who built on the former tidal marshes. _ Map Explanation by mapmaker Eymund Diegel: Red lines are the upland Sandy flood lines (minus part the Fort Defiance Island area which is missing dry non flood area during...
Ballast from overseas becomes Red Hook landfill & introduces foreign seeds, 1879-1880
Cargo ships are designed to carry heavy weights, and without it they ride too high in the water and are unstable. Ships not laden with enough goods would take on ballast, often in the form of sand or gravel to allow them to safely sail. ...
Ørkenen Sur images
In the early 1920s, the international freight trade collapsed leaving as many as 1,000 Norwegian seamen unemployed and unable to get back home. With little to no income many of them made shelters on a large area of landfill and rubble just north of...
Ørkenen Sur - Norwegian Documentary, 2015
[Links to the video below] Ørkenen Sur. A Norwegian documentary made in 2015 about the shanty town that existed int Red Hook from the early 1920s to the mid 1930s. Known by names including Ørkenen Sur (the bitter desert), and Tin City. It was home...
Ørkenen Sur, music video for Norwegian documentary, 2015
Published on Dec 17, 2015 "Mange nordmenn dro til Amerika for å skaffe seg et bedre liv. For noen endte drømmen på en søppelfylling i New York." (Many Norwegians went to America to acquire a better life. A few ended the dream in a...
Growing land, Squatter Sovereigns and Picking Profit: 1887
A fair portion of today’s Red Hook was once water. An 1887 article in the Brookyn Eagle marvels that Henry and neighboring streets have been extended nearly half a mile in ten years. Marshes with knee-high water, or deeper, were being...
Resiliency: Detailed Flood Prep Info for Red Hook
Google Translation: Chinese ( 中文 ), Spanish ( E spañol ) For our larger collection of resiliency info go here. For Jim McMahon's Red Hook Sandy flood map go here . Please take our short survey about flood prep Contact PortSide...