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A shipment of animals destined to zoos arrived in Red Hook's Atlantic Basin in 1922, too good a story for the Evening Telegraph to pass up. The early 1920s saw the continued progression of an increasingly globalized world that was emerging in the...

Subjects: Atlantic Basin

The Brooklyn Biscuit Company "The Brooklyn Biscuit Company is a woman-owned business that began as a pop-up fundraiser in Brooklyn, where every Sunday, I would sell our sweet and savory biscuits to help raise funds for 6/15 Green community...

Subjects: Business

By the end of the 19th century, New York Harbor continued to retain its status as the busiest port in the US, and had become one of the busiest in the whole world. The port was lined with shippers and boats, manufacturers who vied to be close to...

Subjects: Maritime

Status Auto Care Inc. Boat, motorcycle, and car wash in Red Hook. Open Monday-Saturday (10-7pm) Phone Number: (718) 600-4665 Address:  56 Huntington St, Brooklyn, NY 11231 Facebook: ...

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